Do I need Planning Permission?

Whether or not you need planning permission depends on a number of factors, including the size and location of the proposed development. You should always check if you need planning permission before starting any development work to a building.

At Silkrise we will use our specialist knowhow in assisting with your planning applications. Whether it's a double story extension with right of light concern or a large commercial development such as flat conversion we provide the architectural and planning process expertise which are second to none in UK. Our expertise cover wide range of planning issues and we will tirelessly assist with your application to the local authority. Our experts will ensure that your works meet the standards and guideline as per Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and its provisions and will propose solutions to overcome any obstacles.

The National Planning Portal provides a comprehensive guide as to what does and does not need planning permission. If you are in any doubt or would like formal confirmation, your Local Council’s Planning Department can provide you with a formal decision through a Lawful Development Certificate application.

Silkrise Contractors


Silkrise Contractors

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